About Us

The “Tacsaí Magazine” is the only independent, and freely distributed publication for Taxi Drivers and Stakeholders in the Taxi Industry in Ireland. It is an essential read for every driver and stakeholder in the industry, covering everything from political issues affecting the industry, to campaigns by representative bodies and groups. It also covers local and personal stories as well as any other news that may be of interest to its readership Our magazine also features the only comprehensive directory of reputable Irish companies advertising services to taxi drivers at discounted rates.

We at” Tacsaí Magazine” print 18,000 copies per issue (6 times per year) It’s an A4 full colour glossy magazine with reinforced cover section. Distribution is FREE to every driver in the industry.

Free Distribution is guaranteed and traceable. We do this by distributing in the following ways:

  1. Taxi Bases and Union Offices. Stacked in every taxi base in Dublin, Cork, Limerick  and Galway. There is a magazine for every driver. TTnH, the largest Union in Ireland, also stock the magazine.
  2. Approved pick up points. Over 20 regular suppliers of taxi merchandise stock the magazine.
  3. Rank Reps: Over 20 Rank Reps ensure distribution of the magazine to regular drivers on their rank.